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  3. DBManager
  4. Getting started
  5. Acquiring and importing

Acquiring and importing

In order to acquire DBManager and incorporate it into your project, you just have to follow those steps:

  1. Open the project’s repository available at: https://github.com/Nintersoft/DBManager/
  2. Clone the whole project (Link to repository archive master).
  3. Select the Qt library version, compiler and architecture which are compatible to your project, available in the directory releases which must be located on its repository root.
  4. Extract the choosen version to your project’s root directory.
  5. Copy the header and the static link file of the project (only if the selected compiler is MSVC) to the root of your repository ("dbmanager.h" and "DBManager.lib", respectively).
  6. Include dependencies: #include "dbmanager.h".
  7. Compile the project.
  8. If the previous step runs well, you just have to copy "DBManager.dll" to the root of the directory where the executable is located.
  9. Execute your project.


Take note that your QMake file must have the following dependencies in order to have your project compiled:

QT += gui sql

win32: LIBS += -L$PWD/dbmanager/ -lDBManager

INCLUDEPATH += $PWD/dbmanager
DEPENDPATH += $PWD/dbmanager

It is also necessary to include the followind dependencies into your project’s headers:

#include "dbmanager.h"  // DBManager header

#include <QVariant>
#include <QSqlQuery> // Only if you want to run custom queries
#include <QPixmap> // Only if you are going to work with images

Linux and MAC OS

In non DOS systems, you will have to download the source code in our official repository and compile the whole project.

Afterwards, you just have to follow this tutorial : https://wiki.qt.io/How_to_create_a_library_with_Qt_and_use_it_in_an_application.