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  3. DBManager
  4. Getting started
  5. Characteristics and requirements

Characteristics and requirements

DBManager is a database interface library created using the Qt development libraty. This set of classes is designed to auxiliate students and inexperient programmers to manage and manipulate either SQLite or MySQL database relations. In other words, you will be able to perform simple operations like: create tables, insert values, check if the entry exists, retrieve values, and others; in databases, everything in a easy and uncomplicated manner, even if the programmer does not know SQL.


Property Value
Process name Undefined process – Dynamic link library
Price Free (Open source)
Release year 2018
Language C++ (Qt)
Platform Windows (x86 and x64), Linux and MAC OS (source code)
Language (interface) N/A
Project page https://www.nintersoft.com/en/portfolio/dbmanager/
Licence Nintersoft’s open source code licence
Repository https://github.com/Nintersoft/DBManager/


In order to integrate the DBManager library into your project, you must have the following resources available:

  • Compatible operating system (check the former table).
  • Qt development library: Qt 5 or newest.
  • It is recommended to install the Qt Creator IDE, in order to make the compilation process easier (click to compile).